The first meeting was held at Fr. Morrisey’s house in the parish of Glendine in November 1953.
Present at the meetings were Willie Murphy, Tom Roche, Johnnie McGrath, Garry Moloney and Paddy Ryan. However at that meeting, nothing was decided on and it was felt by certain sections, may be rightly so, that although one could maybe say that they had plenty of players, the real material for a reasonably good team was not there. The players still went to Youghal, others went to Toureen, which Fr. Morrissey was not impressed by. In the meantime, a little local challenge was arranged between two neighboring townlands, Ballinaha and Parkdota. Parkdota won the first challenge but with the help of Moorehill men Ballinaha sought revenge. However, the magnitude of the task was faced can be gleaned by the fact that here was a tiny spot in the three parishes being squeezed by Youghal on one side, Toureen coming in the other and Tallow coming in the near side, very near, that you could see the town. From the birthplace of the Shamrocks, Ballinaha.
A challenge game was arranged for Fr. Morrissey in Dunne’s field to see what players would play and if there would be a reasonable chance to get a fair team together. But it was indeed it was a poor performance and the spectators were disappointed by the team. However, this did not stop the five men. They carried on and on, matches were played against Tallow and against St. Catherines and as could be expected all games they played ended in humiliating defeats.
With little belief in the team, Fr. Morrissey and his loyal band carrier on and meetings were held at the home of Michael O’Connor, another one at the Sacristy in Kilwatermoy, and finally on a November night in 1953, the club was formed. Fr. Morrissey was the Chairman, Willie Neville was the secretary and Jim Morrison was the treasurer.
G.A.A Club Formed
With the Club formed eventually, a meeting took place in Ballinaha where it was clear that there was enough men to enter junior and minor hurling teams in 1954.
It was decided to call the club ‘Bride Rovers’ because 95% of the team were from the bride valley, but in a mighty last heave by Fr. Morrissey, the decision was changed. The club was called Shamrocks, with each leaf representing the three united parishes of Knockanore, Glendine and Kilwatermoy.
The meeting was unanimously decided to name the club ‘Shamrocks’. They decided to register at once, with a view to playing a few practice matches.
To raise funds for the club, it was decided to hold a series of 45 drives, raffles etc. during the winter months. The Shamrock Jerseys were all green, and it was Biddy Morrison (nee Hogan), who stitched the white Shamrock on them. A miraculous medal was hung on each one.
The First officials elected were:
President – Very Rev. M.Power, Knockanore
Vice. Pres. – Rev. M.O’Brien
Chairman – Fr. J.F. Morrissey
Vice Chairman – M O’Connor
Hon. Treasurer – Mr. J.Morrisson
Hon. Secretary – Mr. W.Neville
Committee – J. Mcgrath, J.Condon, T.Roche, J.W. McCarthy, M.
Mulcahy, D. Kelly, J. Morrison, P. Hogan and Jim Tobin
Selection Committee- Fr. J.F. Morrissey, M O’Connor, J. Mcgrath,
P.Hogan and E.Condon